These terms of reference for the Judging Panel (Panel), and any amendments thereto, will be approved by the SCS Board.
1.1 The Panel is appointed by and is accountable to the SCS Board. The SCS Board has the sole power to grant authority to the Panel, and the Panel has no authority that does not come from the SCS Board. The Panel may, however, carry out such tasks as delegated to it by the SCS Board.
• Identifying suitable candidates to be awarded sports awards in the various categories determined and specified by the SCS Board or their delegated subcommittee.
• Making written recommendations to the SCS Board on the most suitable candidate for each of the Awards.
(a) In assessing applications for the sports awards, the Panel will recommend persons based on merit and against the documented criteria, and will, in particular, consider the following factors:
1. The strategic goals of Sunshine Coast Sports;
2. Development of Sport on the Sunshine Coast;
3. Emphasis on grass roots sports.
3.1 The Panel will be comprised of:
(a) Eight independent persons appointed by the SCS Board, who between them have expertise and experience in the development of sport on the Sunshine Coast or in another area, but relevant to the Sunshine Coast;
(b) members of both genders, and/or gender diverse persons; and
(c) Where possible, persons who have lived experiences that encompass First Nations perspectives, or perspectives of those with disability.
3.2 The SCS Board will appoint five members of the Panel for each award round.
3.3 The SCS Board will appoint a Chair of the Panel, who will sit on the awards deliberations, unless otherwise excusing themselves for conflict.
3.4 The process for appointment of the eight members will be as follows:
3.4.1 The positions will be publicly advertised and will be appointed through an open recruitment process.
3.4.2 The SCS Board will be responsible for assessing the expressions of interest from, and appointing the members, considering the following factors:
(i) Skill, expertise, and experience in;
(ii) For the chairperson, the requisite skill, expertise, and experience in chairing bodies and meetings.
3.5 A member’s appointment to the Panel is subject to the member agreeing to the obligations, expectations and commitments set out in these terms of reference.
3.6 Any vacancies on the Panel (occurring through resignation, death or any other reason) will be filled in accordance with the appointment process set out above.
3.7 No substitutes are allowed for members of the Panel. Members are appointed in their personal capacity and are not representatives of any member or stakeholder
3.8 Each round of awards, the SCS Board will appoint the five members to sit and decide the awards, determined by availability, conflicts of interest, and if all are available, drawing of lots.
4.1 Membership of the Panel will begin on the date of appointment and, will end on the appointment of a new Panel by the SCS Board Bi- annually, in February/ March.
4.2 The membership of the independent members on the Panel may be terminated by the SCS Board at any time, at the absolute discretion of the SCS Board.
4.3 Individuals may be re-appointed to serve a maximum of three terms on the Panel (consecutive or otherwise, and including any part terms served).
5.1 The Panel will receive its direction from the SCS Board.
5.2 The Panel will meet as required to fulfil its role.
5.3 Telephone, teleconference and similar facilities may be used for a meeting.
5.4 The SCS Board and staff are not entitled to attend meetings of the Panel.
5.5 Recommendations of the Panel will generally be made by consensus. If a consensus cannot be reached there will be a vote with each member having one vote. A majority of votes in favour of a recommendation by those members present at the meeting is required for it to be passed. In the event of a tie in votes the chairperson will have the right to a casting vote.
5.6 The quorum for meetings and decisions of the Panel will five.
5.7 Recommendations of the Panel will be circulated to the Panel, and any amendments agreed by the Panel.
5.8 In undertaking any work in connection with the Panel, each Panel member must act for the benefit of and in the best interests of the SCS.
5.9 All meetings and work of the Panel are confidential. No documents, information, discussion or decisions made at a Panel meeting or otherwise exchanged or agreed in connection with the work of the Panel may be disclosed (other than, through the chairperson, to the SCS Board,) unless: the matter is in the public domain; or such disclosure is required by law or any applicable authority.
5.10 The Panel and its members may not make any public statements (including on social media) about the Panel or any aspect of its work unless approved in advance by the chairperson of the SCS Board.
5.11 The chairperson of the Panel will report on the work of the Panel at such times as requested by the SCS Board. The chairperson of the Panel (or their designee) may be invited to attend meetings of the SCS Board and/or may be invited to provide a written and/or verbal report at a meeting of the SCS Board on a specific topic.
5.12 Award decisions will be required in a timely fashion, with urgent time frames at times. The award nominees or applicants will be received in accordance with the Awards explanatory document, and decisions of the Panel made within 2 weeks of the close of applications. Failure to abide by these time frames, will result in the panel of 5 being reformed by the Board, and the decision as to recipients deferred to the fresh panel. That panel will be required to deliberate and make a decision within 7 days if be informed by the SCS Board.
5.13 Proposed award recipients will be sanctioned and approved by the SCS Board, at a meeting within 7 days of receipt of the proposed recipients from the Panel.
6.1 The positions on the Panel are voluntary and there are no funds available for remuneration, or reimbursement of expenses.
7.1 During the year of the two-year term of office, the chairperson of the Panel will ordinarily submit to the SCS Board a summary report on the work conducted by the Panel during the period, along with any recommendations for the next term of office.